Friday, June 06, 2008

Murphy Brown

I was reading the threads in pinoy fire & rescue when i run across an entry about murphy's law on ems, the last one reads:

The Law of EMS Educators: Those who can't do, teach.
The Law of EMS Evaluators: Those who can neither do nor teach, evaluate

I'm dumbstruck! I used to be a teacher and now I'm part of the evaluation.
Natanga ko, grabe. Babalik na ko sa classroom! hehehehehe

Here's the rest:

1. Sick people don't pregnant dog
2. Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation is a bad thing.
3. The more equipment you see on an EMT's belt, the newer they are.
4. All bleeding stops....eventually.
5. All people will eventually die, no matter what you do.
6. If the child is quiet, BE SCARED.
7. Always follow the rules. but be wise enough not to..sometimes.
8. If the patient starts to vomit in the rig, try to hold the head to the side with the least difficult cleanable equipment.
9. If someone is to die by chemical hazards, electrical shocks or other on-scene dangers it should be the patient, not you.
10. No EMT should be more drunk than the patient.
11. There will always be problems and solutions.
12. You can't cure stupidity.
13. If it's wet and sticky and not yours, LEAVE IT ALONE!
14. God always protects Fools and Drunks
15. You are bound to get a call either during dinner, while you are taking a nuts , or at 2 in the morning.
16. The severity of the injury(s) is directly proportional to the difficulty in accessing, as well as the weight of the patient.
17. Make sure the rookie EMT knows that gMED PATCHh is a radio term, and not a medicated bandage.
18. "Paramedics save lives; EMT's save Paramedics.
19. EMS is extended periods of intense boredom, interupted by occasional moments of sheer terror.
20. Every Emergency has three phases PANIC, FEAR, AND REMORSE.
21. If you drop the baby, pick it up.
22. If you don't have it.improvise
23. Newbies are always looking for action.
24. Make sure all your equipment WORK!
25. When a pregnant woman says "The baby is coming", you'd darn well better believe her.
26. When a patient says "I think I am going to die" he is probably right.

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