Tuesday, May 27, 2008

National Flag Day

I am a Filipino
I pledge my allegiance
To the flag of the Philippines
And to the country it represents
With honor, justice and freedom
Put in motion by one people
For God
for the People,
for Nature and
for the Country.

The flag should be displayed in all government buildings, official residences, public plazas, and schools every day throughout the year. The days from May 28 (National Flag Day) to June 12 (Independence Day) are designated as flag days, during which all government offices, business establishments, and private homes are also encouraged to display the flag.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

anxious overspill

I'm still not ready for Friday's training sessions. It's been almost three weeks that I'm preparing myself for it but things just can't sink in to my senses. Just yesterday one of our managers approached me and told me that I'll only be assisting in the training since I have never handled it before nor watched the training itself. I was relieved about it but I still continue doing my preparation in case someone among the participants ask.